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Uncategorized | Rabellaka’s Costumes
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Archive for the Category » Uncategorized «

Now on Facebook

Look for a gallery being added to this page in the near future, but in the meantime, check out my Facebook page.

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Having fun during convention season

Janet setting up shop at Sci-Fi Fantasy 6 at Gibralter in London.

Janet setting up shop at Sci-Fi Fantasy 6 at Gibralter in London.

Both the London Sci-Fi/Fantasy 6 and the Welland Star Wars Toy Show are now complete, and I consider both to be a success.  Thank you to everyone who stopped by my table at both events, I enjoyed chatting and getting to know all of you.  I have had quite a few interesting costume requests, especially for Doctor Who and Star Wars themed costumes.

As you may have noticed, this page is very new, and a little sparse still.  I plan to put up a photo gallery in the next week or so (but first I have to take some more pictures!) and a Facebook page as well.  In the mean time, please feel free to contact me by clicking on the “About Me” tab above.

I am looking forward to my next event, Condition Blue in July.

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